Summer has begun! (playdates and outdoor fun)

It’s summer time. I can’t remember if this happens to me every year or just this one in particular but Im feeling so energized! This is new in regards to how I have been feeling the past few months so yea!! Its summer and Im just letting the kids have fun, get dirty and make it as memorable as possible! Here are some fun pics over the past few dates (sprinklers under the trampoline, baby pools, BFFs) Kids just got home from camp so from here on out it’s play time over here at the Zuni’s casa!

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Moms watching their style of course;)

Moms watching their babes…in style of course;)

2014-06-09_0025 2014-06-09_0026My son is using colored hair spray…not spray paint…it washes out neighbors…no worries:):) lol

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Here, he's really pulling the Superman!

Here, he’s really pulling the Superman look…lol!

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Oh hey lil' clone...hey!

Oh hey lil’ clone…hey!

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